Monday, December 12, 2005

Bubble Boy

Today during a press conference George W. Bush claimed "I don't feel like I'm in a bubble." After this statement his mother, Barbara, came out to put his goulashes on him.

Bush went on to inform the American people that he does know what's in the news. "Every morning I look at the newspaper," Bush told NBC. "I can't say I've read every single article in the newspaper. But, I definitely know what's in the news." He added, "That darn Garfield gets into all sorts of trouble, heh. Sometimes I feel like Family Circus is my life!"

This is our president. Shielded from fundamentally sound ideas by the puppet master, Vice President Dick Cheney, our leader goofs his way from one political debacle to the next. Good lord almighty! His approval rating sits at 39% on the CNN/USA Today Gallup poll from last month. Thirty-nine percent! That's like Texas, and five other "red" neck states and that's it.

Okay, I’ll admit though I voted for him, I wasn’t a huge fan of John Kerry. I think I would have rather voted for Jim Carrey, but there’s no way in God’s green earth that he could have done a worse job than Bush Co. The economy is crap, we have no exit strategy in Iraq (because the minute we leave the government is going to collapse and all out civil war will ensue), he is sending all of our jobs to India, he hasn’t captured Osama bin Ladin, and he wants to tear up some of the most pristine areas of Alaska to drill for oil.

Just look at any picture of him and you have to question whether there is any actual thoughts traversing his mind. He looks like a Brazilian Pygmy for Christ sake! Please, please, next election think of this before you elect Jeb Bush to the presidency!

"Bubbles? I love those things. Dick will blow them and I will pop them. Heh, we're a good team!"

*D.S. Trosdahl~~

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